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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Weekly Handout 5

PSA Weekly Handout 5
October 13, 2010

Black Dogs

Also known as: The Grim, Bargheist (et al spelling variations), Black Shuck, Essex Shuck, Padfoot, Cu Sith (faery dog, usually green instead of black as green is the colour of faerys), Pooka

Found: British Isles, though there have been reports of them in the United States, inland as far as Indiana; other places can include Latin America, other parts of Europe.

Appearance: Large black canine, usually said to possess glowing green, red or yellow eyes; sometime eyes are flaming. In the case of the Black Shuck, it has also been stated as not having a head.

Abilities: Varies, though it is often associated with lightning and shapeshifting

Places of Power: Often found along ley lines, rivers, roads, in forests, churchyards, graveyards and various other places

Role in Tales: The Black Dog is usually described as being a ghostly figure that takes the form of a large, dark coloured canine, usually black though it has been known to appear as green, in the case of the Cu Sith, or even white or yellow. It is often seen as:
  • a guardian of some kind, whether it be guarding treasure or guarding a traveler from one place to another
  • the ghost of a human or animal,
  • a demonic spirit
  • witch familiar
  • omen of death, bad or good fortune
It is hard to set definitive parameters for a Black Dog as each tale breaks the mold.

Celtic Tree Months

December 24 - January 20:  Birch- Time of rebirth and regeneration, associated with magick of creativity and fertility, healing and protection.
January 21 - February 17:  Rowan- Associated with Brighid, goddess of the hearth and family.
February 18 - March 17:  Ash- Good month to do magick related to the inner self.  Association to ocean rituals, magickal potency, prophetic dreams and spiritual journeys.
March 18 - April 14:  Alder- A time for making spiritual decisions, magick related to prophecy and divination, getting in touch with intuition.
April 15 - May 12:  Willow- Associated with healing and growth, protection, magick during this month is potent if involving healing, knowledge, women’s mysteries and nurturing.
May 13 - June 9:  Hawthorn-  A time of fertility, masculine energy and fire.  Associated with the Faeries and Fae.
June 10 - July 7:  Oak- Associated with spells for fertility, protection and strength, money and success and good fortune.
July 8 - August 4:  Holly- Common in the construction of weapons and protection magick. 
August 5 - September 1:  Hazel- A good month to work with divination, wisdom and knowledge, dowsing and dream journeys.  Creative types should work on retaining their muse at this time.
September 2 - September 29:  Vine- Symbol of both happiness and wrath; passionate emotions.  A good time to get balanced.
September 30 - October 27:  Ivy- The time of year to banish negativity from your life.  Useful time for healing, protection, cooperation and binding lovers together.
October 28 - December 23: Reed- Time for divination, especially séances, as well as work with spirit guides, energy, and meditation.
November 25 - December 23:  Elder-  A good time of year to work on creativity and renewal; useful in protection against demons and to connect to the Fae.