Blog Dedication

This blog is dedicated to the NIU Pagan Student Association. Members should feel free to comment and discuss the content here, as well as propose new content.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Museum Magic

 Topic: Museum Magic
Presenter(s): Cat
Date: 9/29/11
Museum Magic

Salem Witch Museum

About the Museum
“The Salem Witch Museum brings you there, back to Salem 1692. Visitors are given a dramatic history lesson using stage sets with life-size figures, lighting and a narration - an overview of the Witch Trials of 1692.”

Current Exhibits
Witches: Evolving Perceptions
“Because there is confusion about the meaning of the word "witch," our new exhibit examines the changing interpretations over time while also looking at the stereotype, the practice of witchcraft today and most importantly the phenomenon of witch hunting.”


Museum of Witchcraft

Location: Boscastle, Cornwall, UK
Admission Cost: £4 for adults
Opened: 1951

About the Museum
The Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle, Cornwall, houses the world's largest collection of witchcraft
related artifacts and regalia. The museum has been located in Boscastle for fifty years and is
amongst Cornwall's most popular museums.

Current Exhibits
There are various rooms displaying different exhibits. There are sections devoted to the Wiccan wheel of the year, Horned God, Mother Goddess divination, stone circles, village white witch and cunning folk, protective charms, and mandrakes. There is also a small section on Satanism that explains that it is different from Wicca, and it contains a medallion given to the museum by the Church of Satan.

The Museum also has a large library of books, including a scrapbook belonging to Doreen Valiente.


Mabon/Full Moon Ritual

Mabon/Full Moon Ritual

  1. Merry Meet to those who are with us to celebrate this day of Mabon. The day when we celebrate Earth and the bounty that she brings us.
  2. Casting of the Circle
  3. Calling the Quarters
    • North- Cat
    • East- Lexi
    • South- Jessi
    • West- Heather
  4. Calling of the God/Goddess Aspects-Generalized
  5. Stating of the Purpose
    • Mabon and the moon is a time of focus on re-balancing out our lives. A time when things start to get hectic, we feel like going stir crazy, but we just need to ground and center ourselves. Finding an inner balance can make our world a better place. If there is something that you want to charge for helping with this purpose, you may put it on the altar and wec an do so.
  6. Dismiss God/Goddess Aspects
  7. Dismiss Quarters
  8. Hail and Farewell!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall 2011

Schedule subject to change as necessary and without notice.

Meeting Topics

August 25: Informational Meeting

September 1: Greenman

September 8: Pagan Paths

September 15: Meditation Techniques

September 22: Mabon Ritual/Full Moon Rite

September 29: Museum Magic

October 6: Executive Board Elections

October 13: Full Moon Rite/Samhain Prep

October 20: TBD

October 27: Samhain Ritual

November 3: Divination Techniques

November 10: Spirit Guides (Backup: Callings)

November 17: Full Moon Rite/Imbolc Planning

November 24: Thanksgiving (NO MEETING)

December 1: Elementals

Important Dates

September 10: Volunteer Work
10:30AM – 3:00PM
725 E. State Street Sycamore

September 11: 9/11 Multi-Faith
6:00PM – 8:00PM
Unitarian Universalist

September 17: Pagan Pride Day
11:00AM – 6:00PM
217 Home Avenue
Oak Park

October 19-20: PSA Bake Sale
9:00AM – 4:00PM
Holmes Student Center