Blog Dedication

This blog is dedicated to the NIU Pagan Student Association. Members should feel free to comment and discuss the content here, as well as propose new content.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mabon/Full Moon Ritual

Mabon/Full Moon Ritual

  1. Merry Meet to those who are with us to celebrate this day of Mabon. The day when we celebrate Earth and the bounty that she brings us.
  2. Casting of the Circle
  3. Calling the Quarters
    • North- Cat
    • East- Lexi
    • South- Jessi
    • West- Heather
  4. Calling of the God/Goddess Aspects-Generalized
  5. Stating of the Purpose
    • Mabon and the moon is a time of focus on re-balancing out our lives. A time when things start to get hectic, we feel like going stir crazy, but we just need to ground and center ourselves. Finding an inner balance can make our world a better place. If there is something that you want to charge for helping with this purpose, you may put it on the altar and wec an do so.
  6. Dismiss God/Goddess Aspects
  7. Dismiss Quarters
  8. Hail and Farewell!

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