Topic: Meditation Techniques
Presenters: Jessi
Date: 9/15/11
The act of finding inner harmony and peace with one’s self.
Thoughts from the squirrel in my head on the topic:
When you meditate, you should try to empty out your mind and find your “happy place,” so to speak. A place where you find ultimate relaxation and joy, and try to find a comfortable spot there. Once this is achieved, just relax and go with it. If you have questions that need to be answered, ask them at this point and hopefully, I can’t guarantee that it will always happen, but hopefully there will be an answer in one form or another.
When you want to exit out of your meditation, do so in a gentle way by slowly getting up from your spot that you are in, not literally, but in your “happy place,” and walk away from it slowly and bring your mind back to reality, as if you are waking yourself up on a lazy Saturday. Doing so gently will help you calmly walk out of it, if you just jerk your “self” back to reality, you may not bring yourself completely out of your meditation and might stay partially stuck in it all day. Trust me, I have had experience with this and it feels awkward. Thus why we try not to do it.
Hopefully this will help you on your path and journey.
Places to find basic information on meditation:
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